“Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class”in Suzhou


“Make the stone alive!”Every clear mud stone carving master including Cai Yundi inherits the unique craftsmanship of the craving, which is to use a variety of carving techniques such as depth relief, circular carving, and transparent carving, and even to make old techniques exquisitely and depict various scenes realistically. However, the stone carving products have gradually withdrawn from people’s daily lives and are not understood by the public.

On November 28, the“Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class”held the opening ceremony of the class at Soochow University, and awarded the title of“Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class”of Soochow University as the learning base.


“Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class” Suzhou station

The“Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class”takes traditional intangible cultural heritage skills as the basis to realize the appeal of inheriting craftsmanship. By inviting inheritors to carry out inheritance and communication activities such as performance, speech, demonstration and teaching, it builds a public welfare classroom for teenagers to learn traditional intangible cultural heritage projects. This time, Suzhou will take Su embroidery and clear mud stone carving as the main teaching content of the intangible cultural heritage class of the “Little Master” Suzhou station, advocating the inheritance and protection of the intangible cultural heritage culture of the young people, and guide the combination and transformation of the intangible cultural heritage culture and modern elements.


Cai Yundi teaches students about culture of clear mud stone carving

Staff of “Little Master”special fund said that culture is the spirit of a nation. Through the “Intangible Cultural Heritage Social Class”, knowledge of intangible cultural heritage will be popularized, Chinese excellent traditional culture will be carried forward, to let more teenagers know and inherit intangible cultural heritage. These are not only the needs of cultural heritage, but also the needs of the development of country and nation.

In his speech, Wang Erdong, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Art at Soochow University, said that traditional intangible cultural heritage is more widely accepted and needs to be combined with modern aesthetic needs of breakthrough and innovation. The research and innovation experience of Soochow University over the years can provide more possibilities for the development of traditional intangible cultural heritage.


Clear mud stone carving in the class

In the first class of clear mud stone carving, students from the School of Art of Soochow University visited and learned relevant knowledge. In the sculpture section, the students were enthusiastic and turned the creativity in their minds into actual sculpture results, so as to feel the primitive charm of intangible cultural heritage culture.

Soochow University will regularly carry out two projects of Su embroidery and clear mud stone carving by the end of December, a total of 20 class hours of “Little Master China Intangible Cultural Heritage Class”.