Love with Children’s Dreams 2018 “I Want to Go to School” Public Welfare Education Event officially launched


On September 20, the 2018 “I Want to Go to School - Love with Children’s Dreams” Public Welfare Education Event organized by China Children and Teenagers’ Fund (CCTF) and CCTV MusicRadio was officially launched in Guangxi.

2018“我要上学・童梦同圆1200助学行动”启动 央广网记者 韩靖摄.jpg

2018 “I Want to Go to School - Love with Children’s Dreams” Public Welfare Education Event officially launched

 (Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

At the launch ceremony, Jiang Haiqing, the Deputy Chief Editor of CCTV, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of fighting against poverty at the 19th CPC National Congress, which was one of the three major tasks of the CPC Central Committee. As a national media, CCTV is bound to assume such a mission and responsibility. CCTV has been making full use of the communication, guidance, influence and credibility of national media, telling stories of China, spreading Chinese culture, pooling Chinese strength, influencing and motivating more care people to participate in the activities of student aids, and better responding to the national call and practicing targeted poverty alleviation.

Liang Wenmei, Head of the Publicity Department of CCTF, proposed the them and goal of “I Want to Go to School” this year, appreciated the caring people from all of the society for their support, and called on more people to join the love queue to send a share of warmth and care to the poor left-behind children.

The “I Want to Go to School” event is in its 16th year since it was launched in 2003. Over the past 16 years, the event has made outstanding contributions to the education cause of children in poverty-stricken areas of China, and became one of the famous brands of public welfare program in China. At present, the program has covered more than 20 provinces in China. So far, 71.99 million Yuan has been raised to support the program, 18 “MusicRadio Happy Home for Children” has been built, 120 “Spring Bud Primary Schools” and “Spring Bud Classes” has been launched. More than 56,000 children in poor areas, more than 650 starts of music and film became ambassadors, caused wide attention and strong reaction in the whole society. This year, “I Want to Go to School - Love with Children’s Dreams” will be held in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Qinghai, Gansu and Shanxi province, help children in those poor areas to get donations of love.

Stars singing and calling for more loving action

中央广播电视总台央广音乐之声主持人章莹莹(左)与歌手信(右)现场互动 央广网记者 韩靖摄.jpg

CCTV MusicRadio hoster Zhang Yingying (Left) interacting with Singer Xin (Right)

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

《印象•刘三姐》的小演员教水木年华演唱侗族大歌 央广网记者 韩靖摄.jpg

The young actor of “Impression Liu Sanjie” teaches Shuimunianhua to sing Dong songs

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

弦子回到家乡助力我要上学  央广网记者 韩靖摄.JPG

Xuanzi return to home to support the event

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

BBT现场教《印象•刘三姐》的小演员现代舞蹈  央广网记者 韩靖摄.jpg

BBT teaches modern dancing the young actor of “Impression Liu Sanjie”

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

首次来到阳朔的苏诗丁激情献唱   央广网记者 韩靖摄.jpg

First came to Yangshuo’s Su Shiding sing passionately

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

At the launch ceremony this year, numerous artists such as Shuimunianhua, Xuanzi, BBT, Su Shiding, Cheng Huihong, and Xin performed in supporting of the ceremony, delivering love and hope with songs, and calling for more caring people to participate in public welfare and education activities. BBT also showed up at the launch ceremony of the “I Want to Go to School” event, and acted as a dancing teacher. The young actors who taught the “Impression Liu Sanjie” studied hard of modern dancing. At the end of the event, singer Xin sang the classic song “Sea and Sky” and led audience to sing together, and also called on the whole society to continue to pay attention to children in need of help in poor areas, and to offer care and warmth.

活动现场设置的爱心义卖品  央广网记者  韩靖摄.JPG

Charity sale of goods at the activity site

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

The event also set up a charity sale area. All the money paid by tourists for the charity sale will be donated to CCTF to help more children in poor areas. The organizers called on everyone to use their own practical actions to donate love to children in poor areas.

Xuanzi and Su Dingshi came to Honglian Primary School to bring joy into the classroom

On September 21, Zhang Yingying, the host of CCTV MusicRadio, and the singers Xuanzi and Su Shiding formed a love visiting team to go to Honglian Primary School in Yangshuo, Guangxi, to deeply visit the study and life of childen in poverty-stricken areas. Student at Honglian Primary School wore red scarves to the visiting team, such as Xuanzi and Su Shiding. At the welcome ceremony, the caring visiting team handed out stationery gift boxes to students at Honglian Primary School.

爱心大使弦子、苏诗丁与红莲小学部分学生及《印象•刘三姐》的小演员们 央广网记者 韩靖摄.JPG

The Love Ambassador Xuanzi, Su Dingyi and some students of Honglian Primary School with the actors of “Impression Liu Sanjie”

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

After the welcome ceremony, Su Shiding taught children to sing a clip from “Let It Go”, while Xuanzi interacted with children in the form of fun games. Throughout the class, the classroom continuously spread happy laughter. Xuanzi said that she has been concerned about the event and will continue to participate and support it in the future. For children in poor schools, Xuanzi hopes they can change their future lives through their own efforts.

爱心大使苏诗丁给红莲小学的孩子们上课 央广网记者 韩靖摄.JPG

The Love Ambassador Su Shiding taught children at Honglian Primary School

(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

爱心大使弦子与红莲小学的孩子们进行游戏互动 央广网记者 韩靖摄.JPG

The Love Ambassador Xuanzi interacted with children at Honglian Primary School(Photo credited to Han Jing at CCTV)

This visiting to Honglian Primary School aimed to draw more people’s attention to left-behind children in poverty-stricken areas, and called on everyone to contribute to the public welfare cause of “I Want to Go to School” and lighted up the hope of love of children. The donations can be made by scanning the following QR code. All the donations will be contributed to the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund to help more poor children go to school and grow up happily.



Donation Duration: September 20 to December 31, 2018