"Happy Childhood, Happy e-Station" Project Holds Activity in Shanghai


The "Happy Childhood, Happy e-Station" integration community charity project came to Shanghai and celebrated the International Children’s Day with more than 100 children with autism at Shanghai Songjiang Special School on June 1.

The activity was sponsored by China Children and Teenagers’ Fund (CCTF) and supported by Guangdong Guoqiang Charity Foundation. Beijing Happy Family Science Education Public Welfare Promotion Center and Country Garden Volunteer Association organized the activity.


Shanghai Songjiang Special School was recognized as a site of "Happy Childhood, Happy e-Station" integration community, and during its opening ceremony the project donated grants and books to impoverished students.

Based on China’s survey data, it is estimated that China currently has more than 10 million autistic patients, most of whom are children. In 2018, the CCTF partnered with the Happy Family Philanthropy Center and the Country Garden Volunteer Association to initiate the “Happy Childhood, Happy e-Station" integration community charity project.

The project is centered on children and is committed to conducting comprehensive training on health promotion and raising the awareness and understanding of children with autism in the community. It will also invite experts to help families and communities to care for children with autism.
