China Children and Teenagers' Foundation President Song Xiuyan (L) presents a donation certificate to Nestlé senior executive Li Mingdao. []
China Children and Teenagers' Foundation Vice President Zhao Donghua speaks at the donation ceremony. []
Nestlé senior executive Li Mingdao speaks at the donation ceremony. []
Chen Junshi, researcher of the National Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, speaks at the donation ceremony. []
Qin Geng, deputy director of women's and children's department of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, speaks at the donation ceremony. []
The China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF) received a donation of 30 million yuan (US$ 4.8 million) from Nestlé to start a charity project to improve the health of newborn children and new moms on April 22 in Beijing.
The '1,000 Days Action for Newborn and Maternal Health'aims to raise public awareness of the significance of the 1,000-day window from conception to a child's second birthday through various types of publicity and training, and also to improve early-stage nutrition of the newborn children and their mothers.
Research has found malnutrition or excessive feeding within the 1,000-day window may cause irreversible damage to children. The symptoms include physical and intellectual developmental disorders, higher morbidity and death rates in the short term. In the long term, they many cause physical and intellectual developmental disorders, weaker ability to learn and work, and higher risks of contracting chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
After the donation, CCTF President Song Xiuyan discussed how to implement the project with experts, related government agencies and the sponsor's representatives.
"Through this project, we will introduce fresh concepts about newborn and maternal health and proper feeding and nutrition," said Song. "We will provide aid to disadvantaged women and the newborn, and guidance on how to avoid excessive feeding in developed areas."
As the significance of the 1,000-day window is still unfamiliar to the public, Song suggested making publicity, servicing and funding efforts at the same time to ensure better implementation.
Song was confident the CCTF could ensure the project's efficacy because of the organization's wide variety of experiences in running charity projects during the past 30 years and the women's federations' existing services system for children and women.
CCTF Vice President Zhao Donghua thanked Nestlé for funding the project, conducting training publicity events and improving newborn children's and maternal nutrition and health.
Since the beginning of the '1,000-day window' concept, Nestlé senior executive Li Mingdao said, the company has conducted related research in many countries all over the world.
The company would team up with the All-China Women's Federation and CCTF to promote nutrition and health for the newborns and women, Li said.
(Source: and edited by Women of China)