Director of the CWDF Huang Qingyi and delegates from officially recognized training centers. [CWDF]
The program "Ensuring Children's Safety" which was launched by China Women's Development Foundation (CWDF) and Volkswagen (China) Automobile Co, Ltd, arrived in Beijing on May 23.
At the launch ceremony for the Beijing portion of this project, The CWDF donated 160 sets of children's car seats in an effort to promote children's safety in cars. Director of the CWDF Huang Qingyi, Deputy Director and General Secretary of the CWDF Qin Guoying and Vice President of Volkswagen (China) Yang Meihong attended the launch ceremony.
At the ceremony, Huang Qingyi declared that four children's institutes in Beijing were officially recognized as training centers for the program of "Ensuring Children's Safety."
Qing Guoying delivered a speech at the ceremony. She said that parents should take measures to ensure children's safety in cars adding that this program will educate parents on safety precautions.
Yang Meihong said that Volkswagen (China) will continue to promote this program to all parts of China.
After the launch ceremony, safety experts introduced road safety knowledge to participants. Participants could also take part in interactive activities on safety precautions at the scene.
(Source: CWDF/Translated by Women of China)